viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012


Venus:Venus's orbit is an ellipse with an eccentricity of less than 1%, forming more circular orbit of all the planets; barely exceeds that of Neptune.
-This planet also has the longest day of the solar system: 243 Earth days, and its movement is clockwise, ie rotates in the clockwise direction, opposite to the movement of the other planets.
Mars:Is the fourth planet from the sun.
-Inner planet is farthest from the Sun.
Neptune:Is the eighth planet from the Sun and the solar system's farthest.
-Its mass is 17 times that of Earth and slightly more massive than its planet.
Uranus:Is the seventh planet of the Solar System.
-Uranus is similar in composition to Neptune.

Pluton:Is a dwarf planet in the solar system, located below the orbit of Neptune.
-Its great distance from the Sun and the Earth, coupled with its small size prevents shine below magnitude 13.8 at its best.
Earth:It is the densest and fifth-largest of the eight planets in the Solar System.
-Is a planet in the solar system that revolves around its star in the third innermost orbit.

Jupiter:Is the fifth planet from the sun.
-It is also after the Sun, the largest celestial body in the solar system.
Mercury:Is the Solar System planet closest to the Sun and the smallest.
-As a planet whose orbit is less than that of Earth, Mercury passes in front of the Sun periodically.
Saturn:Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun.
-And the second largest after Jupiter mass and the only one with a ring system visible from Earth.

 Planets:The solar system has eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
-Planets have different moves. The most important are two: the rotational and translational. By the rotation, revolve on themselves around the axis.
-These planets orbit satellites quickly and have many more equatorial bulge and rings.
-It revolves around a star (the Sun to the planets of the solar system).
-Has sufficient mass for its gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium shape (almost spherical).